Kim Kardashian Now Engaged to Kanye West

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian showing off her 15-carat engagement ring. Photo from the internet.

Time sure flies fast. It wasn’t so long ago when reality star Kim Kardashian got flack from all sides because of her 72-day marriage to cager Kris Humphries. Eventually, Kim got her much-awaited divorce approved last June and now, four months after the birth of her daughter North to boyfriend Kanye West, he popped the much-awaited question.

Now, they are engaged and Kim says, she is “the luckiest girl in the world.”

West rented the AT&T Park in San Francisco for the occasion. He hired a 50-piece orchestra that played songs meaningful to them before he proposed to Kim in the presence of family and friends. He presented her with a 15-carat Lorraine Schwartz diamond engagement ring.

Well, maybe Kim will be second time lucky in this marriage. 😀 Who knows, right?

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