14 Years Later

Our family at present. Today is a pink day. 😀

The 11th day of the month is very significant for us. Hubby and I met in early 1999 and eventually became a couple on November 11, 1999. So today is our 168th monthsary and we had been in a relationship for 14 years now. teehee

Our dating years had been tough to say the least, as God molded us to become the persons that He wanted us to become. It took more than seven years until we finally settled down in 2007.

We had our first daughter, Dindin, on March 11, 2009 and our second daughter, Shane, on August 11, 2013. So today, it is our 186th monthsary, it is Dindin’s 4th year and 8th month, and Shane’s 3rd month. 😀 Hence the pictorial.

This is our family now. It is amazing to think somehow how we have grown in age and experience over the years. We had highs, lows, jubilation as well as regrets. The only safe thing to say is, the Lord is gracious, which is the reason why the names of our two daughters, Shawna and Shane, mean just that.

Thank you, Lord, for our young family. We still have a long way to go in raising our children and we only trust in You to guide us, protect us, and provide for all our needs. Thank you so much for how You have seen us through the years. We may not be materially wealthy, but you provide us with enough to get by, good health, and lots of laughter. To You be glory, honor, and praise…forever. 😀

62 thoughts on “14 Years Later

  1. Happy Anniversary! May we also experience this joy within our family! Wishing you more years of happiness 🙂

  2. What a lovely couple with wonderful kids! Hoping for more years to your relationship with your hubby. I just wanna say HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your daughter Dindin. May God bless her & your family. Keep the love burning! <3

  3. Congratulations! Your family portrait is cute; you all are very happy! I love that your husband wore pink, because I can never make my husband wear pink, haha!

  4. I wish to have this too someday. I’m sure Mr. Right is out there and I’m hoping “soon” to meet him. God Bless you all, May the whole FAM stay safe, healthy and always HAPPY.

  5. Wow! You have a very wonderful love story, with a wonderful family..
    It shows how happy you are with them. 11th day is indeed a meaningful number to you, hehe..
    Wish to have a family as you do.:) may God bless you and your family always..:)

  6. Oh! You have such a great relationship, I can say that from reading this blog of yours. I am actually smiling while reading. I feel grateful to get a chance to read this. Stay happy and stick together. God bless you more my dear.

  7. What a beautiful family picture. Congratulations on your 186th monthsary! I’ve been reading and re-reading AND staring at your post the whole afternoon. I thought, “There’s something weird about this.” Now, I re-read your post and spotted the “weird” stuff. It was the number 11! Well, it wasn’t weird after all. It’s your lucky number! Keep the fire burning! 🙂

  8. Family number nyo ang 11 ang cute, sana kame rin may ganyan hehehe…Well what else can I say, God bless your happy family! 🙂

  9. Congratulations! Mine is 13 years naman, parang kelan lang d ba? Can’t imagine more than a decade na relationship. God Bless and more enjoyable years to come.

  10. happy anniversary…hoping po ako na maka build ng family gaya ng sa inyo…GOD bless always ur Family

  11. It is so amazing whenever as a marriage couple celebrate their anniversary, well I should say and believe that only few can do that now a days, It will took a lot more time and patience for the relationship to work and of course Trust that is very fragile each moment. I am really a fan and happy for those who made it, for you and your family … such a wonderful and amazing experience!

  12. Wow! Nice no. all important occasion of your life was 11th day of the month. and maybe It’s your Lucky day Congratulation to you and to your Family.:D

  13. Life is indeed about family. Surely, creating positive aura everyday is an effort. Applause to you! God bless!

  14. Happy birthday to your daughter. You have a wonderful family. May you have a more blessed family, good health and a life full of love and happiness.

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