A Helpful and Supportive Husband

Hubby and our little girl at the health center.

I already posted this photo collage in my mama blog, Lovingly Mama, but it was about our experience at our Barangay Health Center.

But when I posted this photo at my Facebook page, many people lauded my husband’s efforts and one suggested that I blog about it. So I guess it is but fitting that I do. 😀

You see, hubby and I decided to take our second daughter for her vaccines at the Barangay Health Center instead of our pediatrician. Our eldest had hers at the private doctor’s. But this time, we thought of availing the free services provided by the government and whatever is lacking, we will just get them at the doctor’s. One of the things that really moved us is the recent pork barrel scam. While we laborers are thinking of giving the immunization slots to the less fortunate, those who are on top are just wasting people’s money. So why not avail of this free service? After all, we are rightful citizens of this country and are therefore qualified. And, this will save us thousands of pesos that could be used for our children’s other needs.

So early in the morning last Wednesday, I roused hubby so that he can go to the health center early and get our baby listed. Then he came home and we prepared everyone–including Dindin who was going to school. After taking our preschooler to her school, we proceeded to the health center.

There were already a lot of people there and as you can see in the picture, the room was full of mothers and their kids. Yeah, if you base it on the photo, it seems that we were the only couple there. As we had done before with our eldest, it was hubby who carried and held the baby during immunization because he is stronger than me and has longer limbs. He can better hold on to the baby if she moves around. I am just there to assist. But since our little girl is only a month old, hubby did not require much assistance and so I was able to take photos.

Despite being surrounded by mostly females, hubby did not tell me that he felt awkward or shy about it. He is very supportive and would happily help me. I am so thankful because I know how blessed I am with him. Our life is already pretty tough at the moment and I can only imagine if hubby is not very involved. He tries to make things easier for me, including waking up most of the night to care for the baby so that I could get some sleep. Read our story here: Taking Turns in Taking Care of the Baby.

So, again, I want to take this opportunity–Thank you, Babe!

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