An Anniversary Weekend to Remember

I have written about this already and also have a Wedding Anniversary blog giveaway here. Yes, my husband and I are celebrating our fourth anniversary this weekend.

And thanks to OHotel, a nice boutique hotel here in Bacolod City, we have a two-night accommodation in their Matthew Suite for Saturday and Sunday. That is all booked already. πŸ˜€ Last night, I also got a text message from the manager of Spa Natura that she is gifting us with VIP accommodations in their spa, complete with services and all! Spa Natura is probably is the best spa in Bacolod by far in terms of amenities and service.

Wow, this is an anniversary to remember!

You know, we have not celebrated our anniversaries in the past much because of one reason or another. Like for our first anniversary, we were not able to celebrate on the day because that was also the first day of our church’s summer youth camp where my husband was camp director and I was one of the camp speakers.

So this is an absolute treat for us, thank You, Lord! And most of all, these are all free! Such a wonderful way to celebrate our 4th Wedding Anniversary. πŸ˜€

Yesterday, my husband and I planned our activities for the weekend and that included swimming, having dinner out, and watching a movie. Looking forward to our anniversary weekend!

3 thoughts on “An Anniversary Weekend to Remember

  1. Congratulations and enjoy your weekend! May you’ll have many more happy married life together.

  2. happy anniversary! i’m excited for you πŸ˜€ VIP accomodations for a spa that’s WOW!
    hey you might want to join my meme – Sweet Saturday. it’s about your moments as a couple. here’s the latest post.
    thanks for dropping by at my FT entry! enjoy!

  3. Pingback: Lovingly, Mama | Cheerleadear for a Marble Race

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