Our 4th Wedding Anniversary is coming this Friday. Earlier we thought of having a pictorial. At 4 years of marriage, this is how we look and we now have a baby and all that. But now, I don’t think it is a good idea. The truth is, I have gained so much weight lately that I don’t feel like figuring in photographs. I know how I got this big, I have been eating so much. Blame it on hormones or lack of self control, but I know that I am now so fat.
But I also know now why I have let myself gotten this big.
When I was still single, I did give much effort into dieting and exercise so that I will not grow so big. That is because in our mirrors at my parents’ house, I look so fat. But here in our mirror in our bathroom, I look so thin! LOL I realized this when I went home the other day. I was wearing a sleeveless blouse when I left the house to go to my parents’ house. Well, without really looking hard, I thought that looked good. But when I got to my parents’ house and looked in the mirror, I look so bloated and big! Yikes!
So that is why, I feel okay when I am at home. I look thin here! haha Maybe we should just change our mirrors, no? weeeeeeeeee