Actor Russell Brandand singer-wife Katy Perry were reportedly having marital problems for quite some time. But they have maintained that they are still very much married. I think that is because they are also trying to save the marriage.
However, it was revealed only the other day that Brand has filed for divorce from Perry in Los Angeles, citing “irreconcilable differences.” The couple had wed on October 23, 2010 in India, so they have been married for only over a year. Thankfully, they have no kids that will just get affected with the separation.
Rumors are saying that the two do not really have anything in common except for the great sex. And they have lasted more than a year because Katy was traveling most of the time.
But it is just sad. Another divorce and on Christmas, too. I guess even during the holidays, many marriages are breaking. I don’t want to be preachy here but divorce is getting all the more rampant–happening every day in many parts of the word. What will happen to our children?
It is not about the money or the bling–it is the institution of marriage. Anyway, Russell released a statement after the divorce, saying “Sadly, Katy and I are ending our marriage. I’ll always adore her and I know we’ll remain friends.”
You know what? I am saddened writing about these celebrity divorces. I don’t know which is happening more often–celebrity divorces or those about regular people.