Buying Jewelry as My Personal Reward

I had a jade jewelry set that I had custom-made by a local jeweler. This is my expression of self-love. Buying jewelry for myself is my form of a personal reward. As long as it’s not always, it’s fine.

Note: Written a couple of years ago.

Working Hard and Self-Love

Honestly, I sometimes feel that I work too hard and there is really no just reward or compensation for myself. Most of my income goes to tithes and offerings first, then the rest are for my family, especially the needs of our little one.

That means I have a very meager if non-existent “me” budget.

Although I do get a body massage from time to time, it is really more of a need because my backaches or headaches can really be troublesome.

And most of these are attributed to stress. So these are not really for pampering but rather for physical therapy.

There is also another thing about me: I kind of feel that if I buy something for myself, I feel guilt-stricken.

I don’t now. But I can be generous with giving gifts to other people but not to myself. I love buying good things to my husband and child but as for myself, I would rather put my wants on the back seat.

And I wonder where that feeling came from.

Buying Jewelry for Myself

But recently, I thought of rewarding myself for my efforts with this simple jade jewelry set. These are supposed to be expensive but I found a way to get the set for less without sacrificing my desire to have some new pieces.

First, I bought some loose jade beads. Then I collected some scrap gold from my jewelry box. Then I went to a trusted local jewelry maker who also did our weddings rings and had him fashion something for me.

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~ Loose jade stones are cheaper. Have them set by a local jewelry maker. ~

Actually, I had an initial design but he made some alterations. And I love what he did. The settings are made of 14K gold. I wanted to have a bracelet but that is beyond my budget already so these will do for the moment.

I am just so happy that I did this and I would like to have something done again for my birthday in July. It is nice to do this once in a while–even once in a year or two years, whenever the budget allows it. I think this is better than just shopping for clothes because at least, I can leave them as heirlooms to my daughter. 😀 The only problem is that, they are more expensive than clothes so I cannot do this often enough that I would like to. hehe But at least, my husband does not have a problem with it. Thank you, Babe! 😀

My Next Project: Jade Facial Roller

What I would like to have next is the jade roller for the face. Yes, I badly need a facial roller, not really for a younger-looking face, but to relax.

buying jewelry, conjugal expenses, gemstones, happy wife, jade collection, jade jewelry, jewelry, jewelry collection, personal collection, personal expenses, precious gems, jade facial roller
~ Jade facial roller is a dream for me. ~

I can get tensed in my workday and dealing with the kids. By the end of the day, it would be nice to relax while massaging my face. So this is a dream!

Buy a Personal Gift

Buying a gift for ourselves from time to time is not selfish. It’s self-love. It’s part of taking care of ourselves so that we can better take care of others. Just not too much, though.

If you are into jewelry, visit this page for a lot of choices.

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