Recently, I watched the reboot of the Charlie’s Angels franchise, which follows the first two movies. It left a strong impression on me as a father of two daughters. The film showcases the strength and resilience of women, which I deeply appreciate. In today’s world, where male superiority can still be prevalent, it’s crucial for […]
Read MoreThis is a nice note to Dad, a gentle reminder of how a father can be a good example to his kids by being a good husband to their mother.
Read MoreMy parents passing showed us a valuable lesson on financial preparedness and income continuation for the family.
Read MoreTech and AI are tools for parents in helping their children become safe and digitally responsible citizens.
Read MoreCamella is holding a Father’s Day Letter-Writing Contest for Filipino residents in cooperation with Dear Joe. Read more.
Read MoreRead about the story of my Papa and Mama who recently passed away from complications due to Covid-19. Yes, we were not spared from the grief of this pandemic.
Read MoreIn an ever-changing world with constantly shifting trends, there are some things that we should hold fast to. One of the most important things would be to strengthen family relationships. The family has been the most integral foundational component of society and we have proven that with the Covid-19 pandemic. The power of family relationships […]
Read MoreNo family is exempt from this inevitable reality because of natural causes, disease, or accidents. That is why we should also be prepared for any eventuality. This is advanced planning. In this light, choosing a casket is integral to planning for a funeral.
Read MoreSeafood for big groups spells fun meals. And you get both that with the boodle fights at Blackbeard’s Seafood Island in Bacolod.
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