Wow, it is December 1 already. It seems like the whole year was a swirl and whirl and it is the year end once again.
Last Christmas, I remembered that our daughter Dindin got a lot of Christmas gifts and cash gifts from family and friends. She was really happy and excited as she opened her presents, after all she was already 9 months old then and could already sit up and rip open the wrapping paper.
This year, she will be 1 year and nine months old when Christmas comes and I am sure that she is already excited.
As a couple, we are no longer getting a lot of presents. Most of the gifts go to Dindin. haha But that is fine. But last year, we got a pair of his and hers Rolex Watches. I think that these are great gifts for couples because at least they can wear them together. Other great gifts for couples would be matching shirts or a couple’s night out gift certificate at a local spa.
Hint, hint! We would like these things for Christmas! haha Yeah, we had been so tired lately and would appreciate a spa treat for the two of us. That way, we can also spend some time off together. We love taking care of our daughter, but we too need our moments. hihihi