These are the basic kinds of insurance policies. Of course, there are far more sub-categories under these and they differ based on the insurance company and the police that you can afford.
1. Life Insurance. This kind of coverage provides the financial payments to your beneficiary or beneficiaries in case you pass away. This is especially helpful to bereaved family members where the insured is the breadwinner. The funds from the policy can help the family pay for the funeral/burial expense and to help them continue with their lives without having to sacrifice their lifestyles (e.g. residence, education, etc.). The amount that the family will receive will just depend on how much was paid or how much was on the face amount of the policy.
2. Health Insurance. The coverage on health has several kinds under it. It really depends on what kind of plan you have, you can get hospitalization benefits, dismemberment, surgery, doctor’s fees (including consultation), medicines, lab tests and even maternity. Some have clauses that include diseases for women, epidemics, or degenerative illnesses like cancer.
4. Homeowners Insurance. This policy covers property damage and the liability of a homeowner for property damage and injuries to other people. A standard homeowners’ insurance policy provides financial protection for the house and the items found inside it. With the many natural calamities happening all over the world, it would be good to include damages caused by force majeure in the policy, especially if you live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, tornadoes, or floods.
5. Travel Insurance. This would especially be handy to people who re traveling regularly, whether for work, business, or vacation purposes. The policy can cover reimbursement of travel costs in case there are medical emergencies, death, damage to personal property, or losses. It can even included reimbursements for non-refundable airfares, in case there is a medical emergency.