Due for a New Bed

Hubby and I are thinking that we are due for a new bed, or at least, a new mattress. We bought our mattress several years ago, about a year into our marriage. We just propped it on top of the box bed that my parents in law used to own, and voila! We have a nice comfortable bed.

But after having Dindin, our bed had been the victim of endless peeing, puking, pooping and other messes. Even with a bed sheet on it, the mattress kinda smells–especially if you stick your nose near it the surface. We have already turned it upside down once. So maybe if we do it again, it might last another year or so. I would really like to try out those foambymail latex mattresses because I have heard good reviews about them.

Aside from the mattress, we would also need four big fluffy fiber-filled pillows because ours are not so comfortable anymore. There was a SMAC sale at SM Department Store last March 2 but we are out of budget, so I guess we will have to wait again. hehe

There are just so many needs! Right after you are done with one, you are faced with another. But well, that is life. And we have to make the most of what we have. 😀 Happy manic Monday everyone! 😀

5 thoughts on “Due for a New Bed

  1. We bought curtains and pillows from SM as well during the year end sale two years ago(with additional discount bec. of the SMAC card..heheh)… now we need a new mattress, too… it’s a bit expensive so we’re still saving for it…
    Have a great week, sis !

  2. over the years of usage an ordinary mattress usually deforms and accumulate millions of unseen dustmites, sometimes we just toss it around due to monetary constraint, hehe. our beddings also need replacement and i am eyeing for a good memory foam mattress, i need to tighten up my belt in order to save and buy it 🙂

  3. if only our mattress can speak, am sure it will give jared a good scolding for doing the same thing 😀

    anyway, while saving for a new mattress, you can probably try airing out your old one under the sun. the sun is one great natural deodorizer so a few hours or so of exposure to sunlight ought to kill the dust mites + keep the unpleasant odors in check 🙂

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