I love flowers. Who doesn’t? I think that most women do, if not all.
However, I know that bouquets can be really expensive. That is why for the longest time, I have told my husband not to buy me flowers. That is because even though they are expensive, they do not last long. And we have other needs, like Dindin’s basic necessities. It is not like we get coupons here like 20% off proflowers. We don’t have that. And during special occasions, the prices of floral arrangements are tripled!
Maybe someday if we have more than enough then it would also be nice to receive flowers, especially from Dennis because he is actually such a sweet person who likes these sweet gestures. But for now, we agree that our family’s needs are our priority. We do spend quality time together, but these are activities that need little or no money at all. hahaha
Happy day everyone! We’re off to attend a friend’s party.