Funtime in a Real Farmville

My parents live in the suburbs. I grew up in this place–been here since I was 4 years old and left it when I was already 32–that was when I got married. It is not really a big lot at 525 square meters, but it has enough space for quite a spacious house for two people (my parents) and some areas for planting. Too bad that they had most of the lawn cemented, they got tired of raking the leaves.

Last weekend, my uncle who is working in Saudi Arabia had a homecoming and we had a fun lunch in the garden, after which, we picked mangoes…or at least, he did, while I watched! LOL This is not a real farm. But since my parents have a small garden, it does resemble like a farm. And at least, the city girl Dindin got exposed to plants and a harvest. 😀

Here are our photos. 😀

Lolo and Lola, whom Dindin refers to as Tatay and Nanay, are very happy to see their granddaughter. She is after all, the only one…that is, for now. hehe

Lolo and Lola a.k.a Tatay and Nanay.

First, Dindin got to open another gift from her A-ku, my brother when he came home from another US trip. It’s a Scribble & Write by LeapFrog!

A gift from A-ku — Leapfrog scribble

The two Lolos (my father and my uncle–my father’s younger brother) spent some time playing with Dindin. But Dindin is still shy to her Lolo Tito. hehe
Then we had a heavy meal…My Nanay cooked chicken cordon bleu, hong ba, and curried rice while I brought my baked cannelloni. My husband also bought some steamed oysters. Yum! What a heavy meal.

Our wonderful outdoor meal.

After the meal, we picked mangoes and Dindin enjoyed running around the garden.

Mango picking time!

Dindin also got to check on the fruiting tomato plants and chili peppers! But she does not pick them. She just touches the fruits. 😀

A real farm visit! Close encounters with kalamansi.

She also got the chance to pick those mature kalamansi fruits. She can say kalamansi in a funny way. So English! haha

We just had a great time last Saturday at my parent’s house. Yeah, just last Saturday. Sunday was a different thing. hehe Homecomings are just wonderful fun for our family! 😀

4 thoughts on “Funtime in a Real Farmville

  1. how i wish we were there to join you..=) i remember the “payag” te boots..we slept there when we had our vacation..i think 11 years ago..hehe =)

  2. good thing the little city girl had the chance to see the province and enjoyed her stay too. visiting for Family Time, here is mine Gab’s Birthday

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