Have You Heard About a Divorce Ceremony?

Have you heard about a divorce ceremony? I only know about a wedding ceremony and not a divorce ceremony. Maybe I am just prudish or old-fashioned, or maybe I just live under a rock. But this kind of ceremony is just too foreign for me.

According to website called thedivorceceremony.com:

“The person conducting the Divorce Ceremony calls the person or couple requesting the ceremony to the front and to stand near him or her. The ceremony then starts and ends with the person or persons declaring that they are now divorced, single and unattached.”

While I have no offense to the person conducting these ceremonies because his intention is really for good, I am just wondering why we have reached this point in our society where we already have these divorce ceremonies. It seems exalting divorce, even if the point of the matter is really for the estranged couples to find closure and move on with ease with their new lives.

I really cannot fathom the depth and breadth of this concept. It is entirely new to me and something that my thought processes are not processing.

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