Having a New Baby

I did not know that there are really people who make announcements about the coming of their new child in cute and unique birth announcements.

When I had Dindin, well we made the announcement through a couple of social networking sites and through e-mail (for those family members who do not have social site accounts). That was enough for them.

But I was browsing the net, I found that there is a website that really specializes in such printed cards. They have very nice designs and now I am thinking that if ever I will have another child, I would surely give out announcements like that! haha

Anyway, their designs are so nice that they could also be used for invitations about baptisms or baby dedications. There are really a lot of nice things and designs nowadays pertaining to babies.

Speaking of which, I wonder if actress Jessica Alba has already given birth to her second child? I have seen her really heavy with her child already so I presume that she has already delivered her new baby.

I have been thinking of getting pregnant this year myself but I am not sure when it will be given to us. Well maybe later this year. hehehe I really hope so. 😀 So that at least we have two kids already.

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