I Won a Pair of Havaianas!

I got so busy today. Almost no time to blog. In the midst of the chaos in my room, my husband put down a box that I asked him to bring. Inside was a big cylinder, about a foot and a half high. It was a package sent through DHL. I have no idea what it was. I didn’t expect anything.

Wow! It was a pair of Havaianas in a special canister!!!! I joined the Havaianas promo called Flippin’ the Beach. I knew that the promo is still on, so I didn’t expect to get my pair of Havaianas.

It turned out that I was one of the first 70 people who submitted their entries, and so I got a free pair. If I win the in the contest, I will win a free trip. But the promo was extended until May 23, 2008, so I have yet to know the results.

For now, I am enjoying my new pair of Havaianas!

I got the gold one and I love it!

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