Mother’s Day Gift

My baby is only 1 year and 2 months old when Mother’s Day 2010 came. So instead of my daughter Dindin, it was my husband Dennis who gave me a gift. Sorry, I could not take a photo because we no longer have a camera and still no budget to get a new one. So that will have to wait.

Hubby did not really buy me an expensive gift, at least not expensive in terms of its monetary value. Instead, he MADE one for me and I was really touched with the gesture. The night before, we were at Robinsons Place to buy some supplies for the store. We passed by the school supplies store, Expressions, as we ran out of laminating film.

Then, Dennis saw some plastic beads for sale in one corner. If you fill up a plastic container, the whole thing would cost P40. So whatever you put in there, that would cost the same. He asked me to choose some of the beads, as he had already picked some letter beads. I really did not know what he was thinking of doing but I did not really ask so as not to spoil the surprise. I just thought that he had something brewing in his mind.

The following day, I was really surprised with what he did–he made me a Mommy Bracelet. On it were the words that said, “Dindin Love Mama”. But when you flip the letters, it would say “Mama Love Dindin”. He made it into three strands so it was quite a wide bracelet.

Oh it was really sweet!!! I thanked him profusely because I never expected that he could think of such a sweet gift and actually do it! I really wish I can post a picture of it here because then you would see the other side of Dennis–the sweet and thoughtful husband that he is. I am so thankful for both my husband and my daughter. 😀 Now, we can truly celebrate Mother’s Day because I am already a certified Momma! 😀

P.S. We borrowed Gigi’s cam and well, here it is! 😀 The precious gift from my husband and daughter.

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