Hubby is a very musical person in the sense that he loves to listen to music and can also carry a tune. In any given opportunity, he would rather have a sing-along with family and friends. He is also at his highest when he leads worship and praise and worship in church. It is just too bad that he doesn’t have that opportunity anymore (not the singing, but being worship leader).
On the contrary, I am a very unmusical person. Well, it is not like I hate music because I do listen and patronize good songs and singers, but it is like I can live in a world without music. Like if left to myself, I can go on in a day without hearing anything musical, either from the TV or the radio. That is why I don’t find the need to buy gadgets, accessories, and software like melodyne just to listen or make music. If the radio or player is turned on to some nice tunes, then I am fine with that. But if nobody turns anything on, then I am fine in silence, too. haha
When we got married, it was hubby who chose all the songs from the processional to the recessional during our wedding day. He compiled all the songs in a CD and we gave them as gifts to our godparents during our wedding rehearsal dinners. Hubby also sang a song for me during the wedding reception. đ I gave him the freedom to choose the wedding music, after all, he is good at it. I can’t even remember the titles of songs. Hubby worked on everything to make our big day very special. And I love his choices in song because they speak of how much he loves me. Everything was joyful and romantic.
But that is how we are. He loves music and I like it, too. I can just live without it. hehe And you can never ask me about musical technicalities either. haha