There are so many personalized stuff nowadays. In our business, we offer personalized tarpaulin backdrops for birthdays, mugs, sports bottles, and even magnets. We also offer those balloons with stands where you can print on both sides whatever design you may think of.
That is because these customized stuff with your own personal stamp just gives you a sense of belonging. It is something that you own and it is named after you.
I also came across personalized baby blankets here, and they are just so adorable! Well, it will no longer be for Dindin as she is already quite big at 2 and 1/2 years old, but well, maybe for the next baby (keeping fingers crossed).
Aside from being cute, personalized items serve as identification purposes for your things. If your name is there, nobody can claim it. That is especially true if you have more than one sibling and you have the same items because your parents buy you generic stuff. This is also true in school where you have the same lunchboxes, bags, towels, and the like. If you have your name there, who can else can claim ownership on the thing except you, right?
So hooray for personalized things. And I just might want to have these personalized baby blankets, too.