I love summer and the I love the outdoors. The problem is, when I go out and spend some time in the outdoors, especially if I go swimming, I would end up with itchy, watery lumps on my skin. These are really itchy. After several days, their numbers would increase until they will eventually cover one area as a patch.
And after several more days yet, they will dry up and become scaly like having dandruff on my skin. It is really ugly. This skin condition appears on my neck, elbows, the back of my elbows, the back of my hands, and fingers. It is really unsightly and uncomfortable because they can get really itchy especially if I sweat.
I am just thankful that I spend most of my time indoors as I work at home and am a stay at home mom. But during those days when I have to go out, I will end up with itchy blisters by the end of the day and then I would need a good skin cream like Quadriderm cream (Quadriderm ointment is just as good). It is expensive but works really fast.
At the same, I am also thankful that I do not have psoriasis. I believe that it is much worse and I heard that there is no psoriasis cures. I wonder how true that is, but at least mine is only occasional allergies.
But I really want to enjoy my summer with my daughter and we already have many things lined up to do this season.