The Waiting…

I went to the doctor for my second IE yesterday, Monday, March 9. Cervix is soft, baby has gone down the pelvic area but still, only the external OS is open. But since my placenta is already Grade III, my OBGyne advised fetal monitoring just to make sure that the baby’s heartbeat has not been sluggish.

The difficulty she says with having a mature placenta is that the exchange of blood between me and the baby may be affected. The efficiency will have been reduced and the baby may not be getting enough nutrition and her wastes are not transported out properly.

Anyway, fetal monitoring was okay. After the doctor’s, we went to my parents’ house, where I will be staying for 2 weeks after birth so that my parents can help me and so that our baby can get sunlight for the first 2 weeks, just in case we have blood incompatibility. My husband has blood type AB, while I am a type O. Then we went to the mall and went home around 8pm.

Throughout the night, as usual, I get up like 20 times to pee. I knew I was having mild contractions, but the were not uncomfortable so I would keep on sleeping.

But when I woke up this morning, I felt like having a bowel movement. But it seems I was constipated and did not pursue it. When I looked at my underwear, there were light streaks of dried blood and a couple of streaks of dried yellow something. I am not sure if that was bloody show already. No contractions still.

So I texted my doctor, she said to observe and time contractions. So far, baby is asleep. She moves from time to time. But that is it. I just took a bath and went to walk around the house awhile before preparing breakfast for hubby and myself. Hubby is already ecstatic. I am trying to keep myself calm.

For now, the waiting is on. It is 9:33am now.

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