Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods

Tinkerbell Mysterious Winter Woods. Images from the internet.

Needless to say, my family (meaning husband, daughter and myself) are already very excited for the coming out of the fourth Tinker Bell full-length video entitled, “TinkerBell and the Mysterious Winter Woods.”

We already have the first three TinkerBell videos and we have memorized the songs and the speaking lines because Dindin always wanted me to play it over and over again. We also have a number of TinkerBell merchandise–thanks to friends and family who are very supportive of Dindin’s interests. LOL

What we like about the TinkerBell videos is that these are products of modern animation techniques. Aside from the more precise movements that are needed as the fairies have very flitting gestures, there is panning, zooming in, and zooming out, much like a real movie. And it has more effects than a movie.

The songs are also very engaging and “singable” so we like singing them. That is no wonder why aside from Dindin, Papa and Mama also like TinkerBell videos. And well, she doesn’t have a prince–just a BFF and barkada, which we like very much. LOL At least, she is not exposed to the concept of having a prince and living happily ever after.


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