
My last entry was about going to Spa Natura. I have not even written my entry about Spa Natura yet and now I am already ranting about tiredness. Yeah, it just seems that my husband and I are finding it hard to get up in the morning. We are just so tired when we sleep at night that the next morning, it is hard to get up. And it is not because of what you think it is. hehe

We usually sleep late, like nothing before 1am, because of work. I on the other hand usually sleep at 3 or 4am. I dunno I just have so many things to do. While most people do not require much sleep, it seems that I need 9 hours of sleep each night in order to be fully refreshed. But I think that is crazy!

Anyway, it’s weekend. We are not going out today to save on gas and also so that we will not end up buying anything. After all, we are going to church tomorrow and we will surely be going to SM because that is where we drop off my parents after church.

We will not have much activity for the weekend except to play and play at home with Dindin. hehe And we will!

One thought on “Tiredness”

  1. I’m envy!:) I would like to go to the spa but it’s kinda expensive here and I couldn’t afford it LOL

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