Naaa…I am not talking about emotional dangers but the physical dangers.
Going home to my parents’ house in Tangub, I am reminded of how deserted our streets are at night. If you walk around the subdivision during a clear night, everything is quiet and eerie, except for the occasional howling of the neighbors’ dogs or the chirping of the crickets.
It had been four years since I have left this place but it hasn’t changed much. So I asked Dennis about his walks along the streets in the subdivision during the time we were still dating. He would go home around 10 or 11pm and since there were no more tricycles that plied the area at night, he had to walk about a two kilometers in order to get a ride. Well he said, he did that all for love. Haha What a romantic thought—and a dangerous one at that.
Our lots in the subdivision are quite spacious that your next door neighbor is quite far from you. Even if you shout, you could hardly be heard. That is why when Nanay is in the kitchen and she would call for my Tatay in the yard, he never could hear her.
I am just thinking, if a person is new in the place and had a car breakdown in the middle of the night, he would probably panic because emergency road service is not really that systematic in this city. I can just imagine what he would be thinking. Hehe Oh well, thank God for keeping Dennis safe all those years that he visited me at home.