Jane Fonda at 73: Having the Dream Body

Jane Fonda–still amazing and fabulous at 73. Photos from the internet.
I saw these photos of Jane Fonda on Daily Mail and I wonder, will I ever have that kind of body when I am 73? haha Anyway, the photo on the left was taken from her feature in Harper’s Bazaar and the one on the right is from Getty Images.

Anyway, I have always remember Jane Fonda as a fitness guru who had those aero videos back in the 80s and 90s. I also remember that she was married to Ted Turner but I just learned that they were divorced in 2001. I also learned in that story that Ms. Fonda had battled with bulimia for a very long time.

And I was like, wow! I never knew these things. Sometimes, we look up to actors and actresses, but we never really know what goes on in their lives, how they look without makeup, and how unhappy they are behind the facade. They are not like metal buildings, you know. They are humans with emotions, just like us. The only difference is that they have fame, and well, fortune.

So Ms. Fonda relates that she had a father who always made her felt that she was nothing if she did not look perfect. That is why, in the three times that she got married, she played the part of the woman whom her husbands wanted her to be. She never had her identity, despite how we see her. And I think that she got into fitness because the men in her life had wanted her to always look fabulous, starting from her father. Sigh…I can only imagine how unhappy she must have been.

But now that she is 73, she seems to be freer in her life. She seems happier, is dating somebody, and seems to be more at ease with who she really is.

I am just thankful that in my simple life, I have a husband who loves me and accepts me the way I am. He does gently remind me of my faults, but allows me to be the person that I am.

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