Like with most lower middle class couples (yeah, we have determined that my husband and I are in the lower middle class strata because of our combined monthly income), we also have our share of financial problems.
This year had been a really tough year for us because of our baby’s health problems. Not only that we had to spend so much on her medicines and supplements that we think could make her healthier, we also bought her Pediasure, a very expensive milk brand that is supposed to make her gain weight, and Heraclene, a protein that not only would make her gain weight but also improve her appetite. Nothing happened. I think we just wasted money there. We spent more than P6,000 per month on her milk alone.
Then it was suspected that she has Primary Complex so we had her on a PPD testing. What we haven’t done is the Xray. I have problems with having Dindin undergo the Xray. I think that she was already exposed to a lot of medications already and do not want to further expose her to harmful things.
But anyway, during those times, Dennis and I had not work pretty much as we spent our time wiping vomit on the floor, feeding our baby, administering medicines, going to the doctor, going to the hospital, having lab tests, putting her under the nebulizer, and carrying her throughout the night just so she could sleep. We had not work properly and thus could not earn decent income.
God’s grace had just been with us that Dindin has had a clean bill of health for the last four month! I am just so thankful and I praise God for that. She has not had bouts with cough and colds for a whole four months! Thank God!
We also try to keep her healthy with supplementation and good food. I feed her almost every hour because she could not eat big portions at one time. She likes to eat fish, rice, chicken, vegetables, papaya, and cereals. Cereals are her junk food. haha She also takes vitamin and mineral supplements as well as other alternative supplements like bee propolis and wheat grass. We thank God for our health!
I am just thinking though of other ways to earn. I am just thankful that I have an offline job as well as some online earnings to augment our family’s income. It would be nice, too, to learn another skill, like those of the web designers who offer their creative services on web design. With their fee, they have so many freebies like logo design, domain name registration, hosting, and many others. Hmmm…it would be a nice way for me to earn extra income. I can stay at home and just discuss details with clients over the email or chat. I can also provide tech support in the comfort of my bedroom. How cool can that get?
Now that is something to think about.