My husband has a long-time best friend in the person of Oliver, but he is now living in Cagayan de Oro City because of his work. Now he is happily married to his new bride Grace. Above, that is Oliver and Grace with us in the big pool.
They are here this week for a vacation and today, we went to The Water Garden–the new resort here in Bacolod City beside Forest Park. Actually, the place was the Forest Park before, but with the new resort, the forest area was moved and now occupies only a small space.
We had fun the whole day, swimming, eating, swimming, and eating again while chatting with everybody. We went there as a group, my husband Dennis, Dindin, and I. Oliver’s family included his wife Grace, his Papa, his younger sister Cherry and her family, and their youngest sister Carrie. We had so much food because Cherry and Carrie prepared a lot! I only brought dessert. hehehe
We were so full with food and fun at the end of the day. I wonder, when can we do this again? hihi
Below is a photo taken when we were on our way out. From left, William, Ninong Rodolfo, Oliver, me with Dindin, Carrie and her niece Perle.