The year 2011 brings new hope and fresh faith. I thank God for His grace in our lives, through thick and thin. It is comforting to know that in our most difficult circumstances, we know full well that there is a God who knows and shares our sufferings.
I know that I have not been the best child of God. I can grumble and complain a lot. But really, if I just keep on coming to God, His peace always covers me and overflows.
This year, we are joining our church’s one-week New Year fast. It is going to start tomorrow, January 2, and will end on Saturday, January 8. I will not go on a full fast but rather a partial fast. I will skip our biggest meal, which is lunch, and our heavy afternoon snacks. And we will have light dinner. We eat four heavy meals in a day, so this will be a real sacrifice. But of course, I could not offer to God something that has not caused me some sacrifice. So we are really excited to do this and to make our first fruit offering on Sunday–the second Sunday of January.
Among the things that we are going to do this year is to start a day care for Dindin. Naaa, it is not going to be a formal school, but rather just a regular time for her schooling. I am still thinking though if it is going to be after she turns two this March or on June, just in time for the school opening. It is nice to start something like the Daycare Vancouver WA.
So whatever will happen, we will just play by ear. Who knows, I will also get pregnant again in the first quarter. That means, there will be many exciting changes to happen this year.
A blessed New Year everyone!