Rubber Duckies

Okay, by now you know that we are really excited. teehee

Dennis and I had been buying some baby books and a set of rubber duckies for our coming baby. hehe

However, I noticed that the things that I bought were the same things that I so liked when I was a kid, but sadly, never had. The books that I bought (second hand from book sales) were fairy tale books. I remembered when I was a kid, I fought with a bratty boy who lives a few houses from ours because he wouldn’t lend me his book, although his mother already allowed me to borrow it for the moment. I didn’t want to bring it home. I just wanted to read there inside their house. But he shouted at me so we fought. LOL

I really wanted to read and read. And now, I have read every fairy tale story that we bought. lol And oh, by the way, here are our rubber duckies. I really loved them when I was small. At least in pictures. 😀

In this set of duckies, there are 12 of them in 1 pack, which cost P100 at Gaisano City. At 20% discount, it came out to only P80. And this is Enfant. So I dunno why it was pretty cheap. hehe So we got a good buy, right?

Good day all!

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