I work freelance and work at home. So whenever I see something that needs cleaning or fixing, I almost always get to it immediately and get it done. I do clean our bedroom and bath. I didn’t really need the help of my husband, although if I ask him to do something, he would happily oblige.
But yesterday was a Sunday and things were different. It was his day off. And it has been a long time since I have really had a general cleaning in the room because I had been hospitalized and after that I had been on home confinement with IV. And after my IV has been taken out, I have realized that I am in my third trimester already and my tummy has grown very large now.
So yesterday, my husband and I worked together in our room. We took out some stuff from my closet, re-arranged the entire closet, installed shelves, cleaned the floor, cleaned the toilet and bath, changed sheets, re-did the baby decors, cleaned the floors and re-arranged more stuff. My husband was bushed after that, because he did most of the work. He would keep asking me what to do next so that he could save me some effort. So anyway, we got a lot of things done because we worked together.
Thankfully, we only have these areas to maintain. I am so happy that the room looks more tidy than it was before and that it is so much cleaner.
I am pleased that my hubby has never reject to share the housework too. Like yours, my hubby does most of the housework… including cleaning the napkin! 🙂
i know those days can seem to go so slow! Its awesome you have a great husband to help.
that’s nice to hear… at least you’re up and about ;o) no worries with the cervix and stuff? but take care gid gyapun ha…
thank you all for your comments. i don’t stand up too much just so that i will not risk premature contractions. if i stand up for let’s say 20 minutes, my back would act up and it seems that the baby is going down. so yeah, i am really trying to be careful .:-)